

2022年05月13日(金) お知らせ

Thank you for your interest in our Emergency Grant for evacuees.
New applications are currently suspended as the screening process is lagging behind due to an unexpected number of applications.
We try to restart the program as soon as possible., When it is ready, it will be announced on this website.
We kindly ask for your understanding and patience.


社会福祉法人 さぽうと21とAAR Japan[難民を助ける会]は、母国の紛争・政情不安からの退避を目的として来日した難民・避難民の方々を対象とした支援プログラムを立ち上げます。






●給付内容: 18歳以上ひとり10万円、17歳以下ひとり5万円(1人1回限り)


注: 申請者の状況によっては、一時金の対象としない場合があります。









Support 21 & AAR Japan Support Program for Emergency Evacuees
Application for Emergency Grant now accepted


Support 21 and Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan)jointly launch a support program for refugees/evacuees who have recently arrived in Japan to avoid warring or unstable situations in their home countries.
As an initial project, Emergency Grant, a one-time lumpsum cash assistance program, is started.


Support 21 and AAR Japan sincerely hope that our financial package will be of some help in their effort to settle down in Japan.


Description of Grant: 100,000 yen per person for 18 years old or older.
50,000 yen per person for 17 years old or younger (One time per person only)


Primary Requirements for Application:
-Arrived in Japan from countries including Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Myanmar, etc., for evacuation from warfare/instabilities in their home countries, and are expected to stay in Japan for a certain period.
-Less than one year since arrival in Japan
-In possession of valid status of residence
-Capable of visiting AAR office in Tokyo for interview, etc.
Note: Application may be turned down depending on applicants’ circumstances.


Grant-giving Procedure:
①Registration of basic information (from PC or mobile, in Japanese or English)
②Scheduling an interview
③Interview by Support 21 /AAR staff (at AAR office in Tokyo)
Note: -All applicants are expected to participate in principle.
-Interview is conducted either in English or Japanese.
-Interpretation in other languages will be arranged if requested.
④Review & Announcement (within 2-3 working days after interview)
⑤Grant delivery (at AAR office in person, directly to each applicant)


If you wish to apply, click HERE (For mobile, access the registration format from QR code below)


For inquiry on Emergency Grant, or other possibilities of refugee/evacuee support, please send an e-mail to: emsupport@aarjapan.gr.jp
